Evelyn has Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI)

Evelyn has Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI)

Thursday, 15 May 2014

Break again

Life with OI is like a roller coaster. When the UP is visiting you not long ago, the DOWN will knock the door.

Ever since Evelyn can walk unaided she has been excited to explore around. While playing climbing up & down the sofa, she fell and broke her right femur :(

Evelyn admitted and being splinted for a week then followed by a spica cast. Evelyn's been emotional knowing her will be in that cast for 6 weeks! She cried for the discomfort and also the limited movement in that cast. Consoling her with the cast day was a big challenge. She can only lie on her back or did tummy time with a cushion/ bean support on her tummy. We have been entertaning her with iPad and books activities.

This is her right femur xray. It takes 6 weeks to heal. We are hoping for a beautiful healing and never want to see it break again.

Right femur fracture

Right femur fracture

Tummy time on the cushion

Sitting on daddy's

Evelyn loose weight again during this cast period. She was at 8.3kg the week before her break. Honestly dealing with spica cast is not fun. Evelyn has had rashes all around her private part because of her urine and hygience. We cleaned the area with some protection so her skin would not have direct contact with the inner cast.  We spent an hour or two twice daily to dry up the area followed by rashes cream. She was awaken at the middle of each night crying for the discomfort and the pain of her bones and rashes area.

She is such a strongest and bravest girl. She still smiling and make joke. Laugh can cure the pain. Laugh make our journey an easier ones.

"Adversity is like a strong wind. It tears away from us all but the things that cannot be torn, so that we see ourselves as we really are." ~Arthur Golden, Memoirs of a Geisha